By moving to high-efficiency filters, sprawling medical center achieves twin goals of higher air quality and lower costs For one hospital within the famed Texas…
We all want to stay healthy and save some money, and changing the air filter in your home heating system can help you accomplish both,…
Regularly changing Camfil air filters in commercial buildings can help tenants as well as building owners and managers Those in commercial office buildings are there…
Working with Camfil, the Swedish Olympic Committee is countering the negative impact indoor air pollution can have on athletic performance Olympic athletes are use to…
Armando Brunetti, Executive Vice President of Camfil Americas recently delivered the keynote speech at INDA’s 24th Filtration® International Conference & Exposition. Chicago, IL – INDA’s…
Camfil Filtration Systems Keep Data Centers’ Air Clean, Power Bills Under Control Data centers house the technology that create the Internet and cloud computing. The…
Working with Camfil, New York City’s Health and Hospitals Corporation was able to maximize indoor air quality in 18 facilities — while minimizing costs For…
Camfil explains how optimized air filtration can be an easy ‘energy win’ for businesses. Among its key – and for many readers, perhaps, surprising –…
In partnership with the Swedish Olympic Committee, Camfil is countering the negative impact indoor air pollution can have on athletic performance. It is the ‘invisible’…
With today’s toll expected to double, clean air solutions will be more important than ever The numbers are staggering today – and they are only…