Updated: This new add-on is a simple device that is easy to install and provides more options when selecting HVAC replacement air filters in space-limited…
Updated: This new add-on is a simple device that is easy to install and provides more options when selecting HVAC replacement air filters in space-limited…
New program lets users see firsthand how innovative air filtration systems reduce energy, replacement, and disposal costs.
Calgary, AB, December 6, 2017 – Camfil, the leading global manufacturer of air filtration products, awards H&R REIT MSLP – F1RST Tower, of Calgary, Alberta…
Before you decide to use a hospital for a procedure, you can go online at various sites to compare local hospitals in terms of patient…
A study published by the University of Utah suggests that increased pollution not only poses a health risk to those that breathe in the pollutants…
When guns are in the news it seems to create an increased interest by the general public in purchasing firearms. There is also a corresponding…
Metal air filters were a forerunner to today’s convenient throw-away pleats, panels and pads. They were recyclable filters in that they could be removed from…
Clean air, an entitlement? Most people think so. Unfortunately industrial economics, other countries with their lack of air quality controls and our own proclivity for…
Scientists are calling for more emphasis on indoor pollution monitoring after study shows surprising findings about indoor air quality. Indoor pollution is killing people at…
Leading air filtration expert Camfil outlines factors that have contributed to the “sick building syndrome” epidemic that has impacted many. U.S. – Indoor air quality…