The right air purifier has been shown to improve breathing for children who develop asthma. Air quality plays a significant role in asthma cases, and finding the right solution is crucial to overall health.
Each year, more and more children are developing asthma, and research shows that several factors come into play regarding this type of diagnosis. One of those factors is air pollution, and studies indicate that when children live near a busy road, they are more likely to develop this harmful breathing condition. For some of them, it can last their entire lives, and many of them struggle with their day to day activities as a result. Many families have started to utilize air purifiers for asthma relief, and they’ve experienced what a difference this can make in their children.
At Camfil, we enjoy hearing stories about how our products have helped our customers, and one story in particular comes to mind. We’d like to share that story with you today.
“As a parent of a child who has developed asthma, I can tell you that we were at the end of our rope. Our daughter had started to have difficulty breathing at night. She would have continuous attacks throughout the night, and she required inhalers and breathing treatments all night long. As you can imagine, her sleep was constantly disrupted, and it was having a major negative effect on her performance in school. In fact, there were a lot of days when we had to keep her home from school. We had no choice because she was just too tired to go. On the days she did go, she was falling asleep in class, and her productivity was going downhill very quickly.
“It seemed as though we had exhausted all of our options. The medications didn’t seem to work well at all, and we were desperate for something that would make a difference for our daughter. We contacted Camfil to inquire about their air purifiers. Because the problem seemed to be worse at night, we decided to opt for the Camfil CamCleaner300, and our daughter started using it at night while she slept.
“In just a few weeks’ time, she drastically improved. Suddenly she wasn’t missing as many days of school, and she had a lot more energy throughout the day. Who would have known that she would experience improved health with an air purifier? I’m now a firm believer in air purifiers for asthma relief, and I’m quick to tell anyone who has a child who struggles with asthma about Camfil and how much their product has helped my child. She’s more productive in school, she’s sleeping so much better at night, and her overall health as improved significantly. Air quality really does make a difference!”
This is such a great testimony, and here at Camfil, we want you to know that if you have a child who is suffering with asthma due to poor air quality or pollution near your home, he or she doesn’t have to continue. Relief for asthma with a quality air filter can make such a difference, and this testimony is proof that it works.