Air Filter TestingGoogle Hangout on Air

Watch Live Google Hangout on Air – Importance of air filter testing

By August 4, 2014 No Comments
2 minutes to read

Watch to learn about the company’s ongoing commitment to filter testing and research, which demonstrates why they are on the cutting edge in setting the standards for air filter technology.
Hello everyone my name is Rene and I’m from the marketing group here to talk with Charlie Seyffer from Camfil USA

Today, we’ll discuss Camfil’s ongoing commitment to be at the cutting edge of air filter technology .
Charlie has 30 years experience in the air filtration industry and he oversees the development of the different marketing & technical materials for Camfil USA, I’m looking forward to hearing more about air filter testing and the state-of-the-art lab in Riverdale NJ.

Charlie ,

Why is air filter testing so important?

How is Camfil involved in setting filter standards, as the basis for uniformity from laboratory to laboratory?

Tell us about Camfil’s new lab in New Jersey?

How do Camfil customers benefit from this new lab?