Camfil USA air filters need to be changed far less frequently. ‘Green’ air filtration systems one step to a greener, healthier Future.
Camfil USA air filters need to be changed far less frequently. ‘Green’ air filtration systems one step to a greener, healthier Future.
Washington think tank hospital-acquired illness study reveals 48,000 die every year in the United States.
Emory University Hospital invests in patients’ lives and air quality safety with air filtration handling system update
World leading air filter and clean air solutions manufacturer Camfil USA offers insight into the impact of high concentrations of volcanic dust
Camfil USA will explore ways to reduce HVAC costs by 25-50% vs. standard low cost air filters.
Feds report nearly 2 million people are infected with a disease while they are admitted to the hospital.
Highly contagious RSV, an airborne lung infection, on the rise and accounts for an estimated 125,000 child hospital admissions every year.